Tuesday, May 13, 2008


i just adore that word :D
epic fail. epic fail. epic fail.
well i failed at collouring my hair T_T

see it? a widdle-biddle-bit of black on fringe/back?

probably no. :l
The problem might have been that the paint i used was.. not black it seems (proof in video to be posted on my youtube soon.)
it was blue. it said ebony on it. Using my spidey senses i concluded that means black. The collour LOOKED black. Well according to my results it is a kinda blackish blue. at least thats what *person who i forgot who it was* said.

wait ill go google ebony now.
... oh god.

ebony is:

  • a random black model that was in cycle 9 of americas next top model.
  • a black porn site [ oh god i didnt want to know this :( ]
  • commonly used as the black keys on a piano. (how educational :D)
  • the collour black.
  • the collour black made with purple according to yahoo ( so it's probably total nonesense)
ok. confusion.

ok .. enaugh me . i wanted to ask danny: did u start studying 4 ur finals yet bcoz im realli starting to panic so much :(
my work experience is going to be at a artistic yewlerer (probably spelled that wrong) hes really awsome.he does this freaky, over-the-top modern yewlerry and he says he's gnna show me how to make it n all. My mum buys TONS from him. He's awsome as shit! :]
cant wait.

PS: yes . dannys cookies are amazing :]

1 comment:

[R]uferts said...

I am starting to study now... Eco.. scared scared.